Mes recherches sur la créativité et la posture d'apprentissage

« L’invention, nous devons l’admettre humblement, ne consiste pas à créer à partir du vide, mais à partir du chaos. » - Mary Shelley

Qu’est-ce qui entrave la créativité, qu’est-ce qui la favorise, que pouvons-nous faire pour l’améliorer? Devrions-nous être créatifs? Y a-t-il un processus créatif? Comment mieux apprendre? Comment développer le plaisir d'apprendre? Comment aborder les contraintes?

M’appuyant sur des recherches menées depuis 2015, dans les domaines de l’ingénierie, de la stratégie, de l’innovation, de la programmation et de l’art, et en tant que fervent partisan de la transdisciplinarité et de la recherche multisectorielle, je tente de répondre à ces questions fondamentales en combinant connaissances (synapses humaines!) et découvertes issues de nombreux domaines tels que la psychologie, l’anthropologie, les neurosciences, les arts, le design, l'andragogie et la pédagogie. Je m'inspire aussi d’entreprises créatives (Pixar) et de particuliers (Sir Ken Robinson, Victor Wooten, Marie Shelley, Albert Jacquard, etc.). La bonne nouvelle est que la quête ne finit jamais!

Vous trouverez ci-dessous la bibliographie, les conférences, les TED Talks, les vidéos et les documents de recherche qui alimentent mon parcours d'enseignant, de conférencier, de maître d'atelier ainsi que d'artiste depuis 2013.

1 - USC-MGH, Washington University - University of Minesota, The Human Connectome Project, 2023
2 - Alexandra K. Schnell, Markus Boeckle, Micaela Rivera, Nicola S. Clayton and Roger T. Hanlon, Cuttlefish exert self-control in a delay of gratification task, Proceeding of the Royal Society, B, mar. 2021
3 - Guillaume Dulude, Je suis un chercheur d'or : les mécanismes de la communication et des relations humaines, Les éditions de l'homme, nov. 2020
4 - Ipsos, Gideon Skinner - Research Director, Carl Phillips, Michael Clemence. Anna Quigley, Alex Bogdan, Colin Strong, Chris Finnegan, Duncan Struthers, Eleanor Thornton-Firkin, Ella Harding, Ellie Rose, Fiona O’Connor, Garry Levett, Hannah Millard, Hannah Williams, Jim Kelleher, Lucy Tallentire, Neil Tierney, Sara Gundry, Shanel Ahmet and Stephanie McCracken, Trust: the truth ?, nov. 2019
6 - Vyacheslav R. Karolis, Maurizio Corbetta and Michel Thiebaut de Schotten, The architecture of functional lateralisation and its relationship to callosal connectivity in the human brain, Nature Coomunications, mar. 2019
8 - Scott Barry Kaufman (psychologist at the Columbia University of New York), Mesurer notre part d’ombre et de lumière, Cerveau et Psycho, No 114, 2019
9 - TIME Special - 2018-8-3 SIP, Meredith, The Science of Creativity, TIME, aoû. 2018
10 - Elkhonon Goldberg, The Human Brain in the Age of Innovation, 2018
12 - Guillaume Jacquemont, Les pouvoirs de la respiration, Cerveau et Psycho, No 103, 2018
13 - Pablo Servigne, La loi de la jungle n’existe pas, L'OBS, déc. 2017
14 - Maria Popova, Oliver Sacks on the Three Essential Elements of Creativity, The Marginalian, nov. 2017
16 - Manoush Zomorodi, How boredom can lead to your most brilliant ideas, TED Conference LLC, 2017
17 - Oliver Sacks, The River of Consciousness, 2017
18 - Stephen Fry, Mythons, 2017
19 - Margaret Rhodes, How Arrival's Designers Crafted a Mesmerizing Alien Alphabet, Wired, nov. 2016
20 - Tom Stafford,, Why don’t we trust the experts?, Psychology and Cognitive Science, jul. 2016
21 - Erika Andersen, Managing Yourself, Learning to Learn, Harvard Business Review, mar. 2016
22 - Stefon Harris, There are no mistakes on the bandstand, 2016
23 - Karim Aktouf, The Art of Biomimicry and 195 countries in agreement, LinkedIn, déc. 2015
24 - Francesca Gino and Bradley Staats, Why Organizations Don’t Learn, Harvard Business Review, nov. 2015
25 - Scientific American Editors, The Science of Creativity, Scientific American, mai. 2015
27 - Mary-Clare Race, The Six Conditions of High Performance, Management Issues, 2015
28 - Anne Bahr Thompson, The Intangible Things Employees want from Employers, Harvard Business Review, 2015
29 - M. McQuaid, Does your worplace have a growth mindset?, Huffington Post, 2015
30 - How Company Culture Shapes Employee Motivation, How Company Culture Shapes Employee Motivation, Harvard Business Review, 2015
31 - M. D. Lieberman, D. Rock, C. L. Cox, Breaking Bias, NeuroLeadership Institute, mai. 2014
35 - Linda Hill, How to Manage for Collective Creativity, TED Conference LLC, 2014
36 - Yuval Noah Harari, Sapiens, A Brief History of Humankind, 2014
37 - Herbie Hancock, My favorite story about Miles Davis, Youtube, 2014
40 - Victor Wooten, Music as a Language, 2013
41 - Albert Jacquard, La compétition, Youtube, 2013
42 - Guillaume Nery, Voyage entre deux inspirations, TEDx Talks, 2013
43 - Ben R. Rich, Leo Janos, Skunk Works: A Personal Memoir of My Years of Lockheed, 2013
44 - Austin Kleon, Steal like an artist, 2012
45 - Betty Edwards, Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, 2012
47 - Why the Left-Brain Right-Brain Myth Will Probably Never Die, Why the Left-Brain Right-Brain Myth Will Probably Never Die, Psychology Today, 2012
48 - Jane Fulton Suri, R. Michael Hendrix, Developing Design Sensibilities, Rotman Magaine, Spring 2010, 2010
49 - D. Rock, Your Brain at Work, Harpercollins Publishers, New York, 2009
50 - Jill Bolte Taylor, My Stroke Insight, TED Conference LLC, 2009
51 - J. Richard Eiser,∗ Tom Stafford, John Henneberry, and Philip Catney, “Trust me, I’m a Scientist (Not a Developer)”: Perceived Expertise and Motives as Predictors of Trust in Assessment of Risk from Contaminated Land, Risk Analysis, Vol. 29, No. 2, 2009
52 - J. M. Beeman, A. Collier and J. Kounios, How insight happens: learning from the brain, NeuroLeadership Journal, Issue 1, 2008
54 - Clive Thompson, Goalkeeper Science, The New York Times Magazine, 2008
55 - Peter Coughlan, Jane Fulton Suri, Katherine Canales, Prototypes as Design Tools for Behavioral and Organizational Change. A Design-Based Approach to Help Organizations Change Work Behaviors, The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, Vol 43 No. 1, mar. 2007
56 - Carol S. Dweck, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, 2007
57 - D. J. Siegel, The Mindful Brain, Norton & Company, New York, 2007
58 - Jane Fulton Suri, Suzanne Gibbs Howard, Going Deeper, Seeing Further: Enhancing, Ethnographic Interpretations to Reveal More Meaningful Opportunities for Design, Journal of Advertising Research, sep. 2006
59 - Sir Ken Robinson, Do Schools Kill Creativity ?, TED Conference LLC, 2006
60 - Bar-Eli, Michael and Azar, Ofer H. and Ritov, Ilana and Keidar-Levin, Yael and Schein, Galit, Action bias among elite soccer, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2005
61 - James Surowiecki, The Wisdom of Crowds, 2004
62 - Arne Dietrich, The Cognitive Neuroscience of Creativity, 2004
63 - Tom Kelley and Jonathan Littman, The Art of Innovation, 2001
64 - D. L. Schacter, Searching for Memory: the Brain, the Mind and the Past, BasicBooks, New York, 1996

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